DOK Events
Documentary films need platforms where they can be thought about, negotiated, pushed and finally shown to a broad public. Perhaps in the future even more beyond the already established paths.
VIVE LA DOK conceives and manages events & conferences around documentary film; develops & directs industry formats; curates film series; conceives and moderates panels and thus initiates encounters, exchange and synergies within the industry.
In doing so, VIVE LA DOK builds on Eva Rink's many years of experience in the industry and an established network within the national and international documentary film industry.
Session 2022

Conception and Moderation
Audience Design & New Perspectives
The rapidly changing documentary industry has influenced our strategies and means of distribution. We have to redefine our roles as authors, producers, distributors and broadcasters. We have to be more flexible. And more than ever: We have to know our audiences.
How can documentaries better connect to their audiences to gain visibility and generate impact? The session will focus on new opportunities in reaching audiences and give insights into new options for distribution on multiple platforms.
With: Paul Rieth, Strategist, Tutor and Lecturer; Marianne Mäkelä, napafilms, Finland
Daniela Dieterich, Corso Films, Germany; Vincent Lucassen, Aggregator, Under the Milky Way, Austria
Daniela Dieterich, Corso Films, Deutschland; Vincent Lucassen, Aggregator, Under the Milky Way, Österreich
Forum 2022

Curation Science & Media FORUM
Halle, 20th -23rd of June 2022 Changing Perspectives. 2 Day Conference in the Leopoldina
VIVE la DOK as Curator Science & Media FORUM
Designed as an exclusive space for interdisciplinary exchange and fundraising, the Science & Media Forum aims to ignite new collaborations between scientists, science journalists and media creators to boost the production of creative factual formats, documentaries and immersive experiences on all media platforms.
This year's edition focuses on “Changing Perspectives”, as an imperative of our time in redefining our roles as science media professionals. The 2- days programme of the FORUM reflects on this theme through inspiring keynotes, talks and interactive conversations and is topped-off with the SILBERSALZ Science & Media Pitch.
The FORUM takes place within the SILBERSALZ Science & Media Festival (15 - 19 June 2022), an emerging international event in Europe for exploring the changing relationship between science, media and the public. The festival awaits you with its rich programme of films, talks, immersive exhibitions, performances, an extensive youth programme and the annual SILBERSALZ Science & Media Awards.

LETsDOK – 2020
In cooperation with AGDOK and Ovalmedia
Conception & management of the first nationwide documentary day
Third-party funding acquisition (state funding) / management of social media campaign / conception of interactive event website / coordination of more than 130 nationwide events / national press relations / cooperation with cinema associations.
About LETsDOK:
LETsDOK is a german-wide event day for cinema documentaries taking place for the first time on 19.09.2020. Cinemas all over Germany showed documentaries on the big screen, while also walls of houses, barns, backyards, cafés or living rooms were transformed into mobile alternative cinemas.
LETsDOK was created in cooperation with numerous film associations, political institutions and regional funding agencies and was accompanied by a broad-based social media campaign, an event website and diverse regional and national media collaborations.

Halle, 20th -23rd of June 2022 Changing Perspectives. 2 Day Conference in the Leopoldina
VIVE la DOK as Curator Science & Media FORUM
Designed as an exclusive space for interdisciplinary exchange and fundraising, the Science & Media Forum aims to ignite new collaborations between scientists, science journalists and media creators to boost the production of creative factual formats, documentaries and immersive experiences on all media platforms.
This year's edition focuses on “Changing Perspectives”, as an imperative of our time in redefining our roles as science media professionals. The 2- days programme of the FORUM reflects on this theme through inspiring keynotes, talks and interactive conversations and is topped-off with the SILBERSALZ Science & Media Pitch.
The FORUM takes place within the SILBERSALZ Science & Media Festival (15 - 19 June 2022), an emerging international event in Europe for exploring the changing relationship between science, media and the public. The festival awaits you with its rich programme of films, talks, immersive exhibitions, performances, an extensive youth programme and the annual SILBERSALZ Science & Media Awards.

Panel Conception & Moderation:
„The Kids Are Alright“International strategies to program for a younger audience
gebrueder beetz film production "Uploading Holocaust"(Georg Tschurtschentaler) / UPIAN "Generation Why" (Margaux Mitzika) /RBB "Streetphilosophie" (Sören Schumann).
Panel content concept:
„Greenproducing: A growing trend in film production“

Conception and organization of the 3-day networking event of the Documentary Campus Masterschool
Conception of panels / Invitation of keynote speakers / MEDIA funding application / Development of DCM alumni network / Development of member network
The Leipzig Networking Days are a two-day pitching and networking event that brings together up to 250 documentary filmmakers (producers, directors, distributors, editors) from around the world every year. A supporting program discusses the challenges and trends in the current international documentary industry and connects participants with new players in the film industry.
(DOK Leipzig) 2006/2005

DOK INDUSTRY (DOK Leipzig) – 2006, 2005
Conception & management of the industry offers:
First and second international co-production meeting with country focus on Poland, China, Canada and Switzerland, Austria / Leipzig Screening / Building digital market / Editing DOK Industry catalogs.
About DOK Industry:
In 2005, the Leipzig Festival for Documentary and Animated Film established a market for the international film industry that is now one of the most important in Europe.

LEIPZIG SCREENING – 2013 and 2012
In cooperation with German Films and Arbeitsgemeinschaft Dokumentarfilm (AGDOK).
Organization and moderation:
Film selection /invitation international industry /catalog support & moderation.
About the Leipzig Screening:
The Leipzig Screening is a one-day showcase of outstanding German documentary films for international editors, buyers, distributors and sales agents.
It is organized by DOK Leipzig, AG DOK and German Films and aims not only to give international buyers, editors, distributors and festival programmers an insight into current German documentary filmmaking, but also to initiate targeted international sales. The screening and the supporting program also offer good opportunities to make valuable international contacts.